Social media may be ubiquitous – making it essential for you to have an account dedicated to your app – but that doesn’t mean that it’s enough to sign up for Facebook and expect followers to come flocking towards the App Store. There is an art and a science to social media strategy to direct business towards your app and it’s not always straightforward.
That’s where the experts come in. We’ve gathered a list of 8 social media experts you should follow to learn all the tips and tricks to making your business a social media success. They know best!
Ahna Hendrix is the CEO & Lead Social Media Specialist at ARCH Digital Agency – a well deserved position given her expertise. She boasts “No nonsense, only excellence,” and you get exactly this when you follow her site and on social media. Ahna has a lot of useful tips, plus she seems like the type of person you’d want to be friends with.
Jeff has been ranked the #1 content marketing influencer by Appinions and Onalytica and ranked #8 on Forbes’ “The World’s Top 40 Social Marketing Talent.” The list doesn’t end there but keeping track of all the recognition he’s received would take up the entire post. Essentially, he’s an extremely knowledgeable content and social media marketer, and you and your business benefit greatly from following him on social media, and on his blog. His blog hosts a variety of guest writers as well, so you can learn from several people all at once!
Donna is a great influencer to follow because she has a free video series that teaches you not only how to create original images, but also how to get them to drive traffic to your app. She’s been featured in a Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes, Social Media Examiner, and several other credible sites, and in a world where social media is all about the photos, Donna is your go-to girl.
Gary is great because he offers trustworthy social media and marketing advice both in his book, as well as for free on his blog. He also has a video series you can follow to learn about social media strategies – and enjoy his eccentric personality at the same time. He currently has 1.17 million followers on Twitter, so you know he’s doing something right.
Marsha is a bit of a big deal – she’s written 48 books on a variety of topics including social media commerce, Facebook and Twitter, and many many more. She’s also a Forbes Top 10 Influencer – rightfully so. She is extremely involved in social media and know exactly how you can make the most of social media to drive downloads.
Jenny is an awesome social media marketing pro because she specifically works with female entrepreneurs to help them get more conversions from Facebook. She has convenient free resources, such as content management templates, that are perfect for staying organized and are available with a click, and also offers coaching and Facebook marketing courses.
Peg is a social media strategist and a self proclaimed Pinterest Pro, so she is definitely one to turn to for all your Pinterest needs. She has eye catching visuals on all platforms and has spoken on a range of topics including online brand management and digital marketing. Follow Peg for a consistent stream of tips for your app’s social media accounts.